away we go  

Posted by Zimmerman Stein

5am-7am - morning sadhana - (at the studio) greg's long set kundalini/sat nam long chant/open eye meditation with life stream
8am-12pm - yoga practice - pilates with mari winsor/kundalini with gurmukh/hatha @ yogaview on division with cheryl (4pm), taught by substitute Jenny Boeder. she was great. her set really worked on the back of the legs and opening up the hips. lots of down dog. my heals were actually making down to the floor. one asana i didn't know was an amazing calf stretch. one leg is out in front and you pull toward the back wall. i felt it in my temples.

1/2 hour - evening friendship - dinner with bill & cheryl
1/2 hour - evening study - yoga journal's yoga for beginners booklet with patricia walden
1/2 hour - evening process coaching work - daily journaling with the folks, keeping appointments from any triggers throughout the day.
undone - 1/2 hour - evening chores - cooking, baking, dishes, cleaning, laundry
undone - 1/2 hour - evening pranayama - breathing for balance and centeredness

weight 136.5 lb = 62kg

This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 21, 2009 at Wednesday, October 21, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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